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President Bio Dedicates New Roman Catholic Church in Tihun

  5 Mai      43        Société (45230),


(SLENA, 4th May, 2021). His Excellency President Dr Julius Maada Bio has dedicated a new Roman Catholic Church in Tihun, Sogbini Chiefdom, Bonthe District, Southern Sierra Leone.
In a brief homily the Bishop of the Diocese of Bo, Most Rev. Charles A.M Campbell, said Christians should worship God as the Lord Jesus did during his prophecy, and urged all Christians to work hard to strengthen God’s kingdom, which he said was the final home of every mankind.
Bishop Campbell also noted that the Church should not only be a museum but a place of prayer where people should call on God in their supplications.
“As we dedicate this church, may sinners transform into saints. May He in His infinite mercies bless us all to always have a joyous proclamation of His word,” he said in his dedicatory prayer.
In a short statement, President Bio said he was glad to be a part of the congregation that opened the Saint Joseph Catholic Church in Tihun, which he called a permanent place of supplication to God almighty.
He, therefore, urged Christian parents in Tihun to encourage their children to come to the church and be familiar with the Catholic faith and doctrine.

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