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President of INE recognises the need for in-depth reflection on the process of production and dissemination of official statistics

  22 Octobre      33        Société (45223),


Praia, Oct 22 (Inforpress) – The president of the National Institute of Statistics (INE), Osvaldo Borges, recognized in the City of Praia that there is a need for ” in-depth reflection” on the process of production and dissemination of official statistics.
Osvaldo Borges spoke on Tuesday at the opening of a debate on the meaning of reliable data to connect the world, promoted by the National Institute of Statistics, in the context of the World Statistics Day, which is celebrated today, October 20.
On this date, the president of the National Institute of Statistics said that this date “clearly shows” that it is served to have the recognition of the role of statistics in the decision making process”.
“We here in Cabo Verde, INE, by its mission and attribution, is the central executive body of the national statistical system and has the responsibility to organize the surveys, the census, disseminate all information about the population situation, housing, economic, social, cultural and other characteristics are important to the population,” he stated.

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