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Residents of Sekondi Takoradi Metropolis express mix feeling with happenings in Parliament

  7 Janvier      49        Politique (25417),


Takoradi, Jan. 7, GNA-Some residents within the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis have expressed their ultimate dissatisfaction and dismay at the behaviour of some legislators during the balloting for the speaker for the eight Parliament.
The ceremony, was characterized by « unruly » attitude from the August house with some members snatching a ballot box.
A random sampling of views by the GNA revealed how disappointed Ghanaians were and people who were supposed to be pacesetters and models for society.
Mr Enoch Insaidoo, a resident said, « law makers who are expected to lead exemplary lives and be law-abiding were seen causing nuisance in parliament ….no wonder our country is suffering to survive ».
Madam Stella Yawson, a trader said « We have always held parliamentarians in high esteem and that it was unhealthy for them to disagree and quarrel in such a manner.
Mr Maxwell Antwi bemoaned the manner in which the military stormed the Parliament house… the police could have been left to handle the situation.
He however called for peaceful processes to be followed to maintain the statute of being the beacon of democracy in West Africa.
Ms Grace Fynn, a 17-year-old was worried that such happenings had occurred saying, « I regard these people as leaders who have to demonstrate credible skills to also follow, but it seems right at Parliament our leaders have not exhibited true traits of mentors ».
Meanwhile, Mr. Aziz Mohammed, of the Open Governance Partnership Programme(OGP) said, « For me, no matter the initial disruptions and rancour, they will learn to work together. »
He described the eight Parliament as becoming the best under the 4th republic.
Mr Mohammed said the turn of events would ensure that Proper consultations, proper scrutiny of Executive actions and consensus building would be the order of the day.
Mr John Buckman, the Presiding Member of the STMA said « Honestly speaking, I am surprisingly disappointed and too devastated to comment. In brief, my expectations were not met. »
« For me I think democracy has spoken and as Ghanaians we should all work as one people to get the best for mother Ghana and generations unborn. We should all pledge allegiance to the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana »,Mr Isaac Aidoo, OGP focal Person , Sekondi/Takoradi pointed out.
Majority of the residents however, expressed their happiness about the swearing into office the president without any mayhem.
They were also happy with the President’s inaugural address, which they noted when implemented would enhance the development of the country.

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