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Ribeira Grande de Santiago celebrates Mass of the Most Holy Name of Jesus under the message of joy and cultivation of faith

  28 Janvier      11        Société (45205),


Praia, Jan 28 (Inforpress) – The municipality of Ribeira Grande de Santiago celebrated Mass in honor of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, preceded by a procession, under the message of joy, as well as cultivation of “faith and good coexistence”.
Speaking to journalists, the local parish priest, António Fernandes, demonstrated that this is a “very important” party for Cidade Velha, which is the cradle of the country, and, in this sense, said that this is a time for everyone to perfect their faith.
“This feast is closely linked to the name of Jesus Christ, which is such a great name, so sublime, so high, that we Christians celebrate every year after Christmas,” he declared, stressing that Jesus is the “savior”.
As noted, it is pointed out that there is a considerable turnout of people in this celebration because of its importance to Catholics. “I hope that this feast will be a time for us to perfect our own faith and it will be a time of good coexistence for everyone who comes to celebrate and the people of Cidade Velha also grow in their faith,” he said.
In turn, the Portuguese Natália Rocha, who participates in this celebration for the first time, was “very proud”, since the humanitarian issue arouses her attention.

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