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“Save lives, Save cost, drive safely” campaign launched in Cape Coast.

  6 Septembre      38        Société (45204),


Cape Coast, Sept. 06, GNA – A road safety awareness campaign dubbed “Save lives, Save cost, Drive Safely” has been launched in Cape Coast with a call on the cooperate World to support road safety awareness campaigns.
The campaign, an initiative of Bidi Group Limited and GOIL Company Limited in collaboration with the National Road Safety Authority (NRSA) seeks to create awareness on the need for necessary precautions to significantly reduce road accidents.
As part of the campaign, a “save lives, save cost, drive safely” merchandise stickers have been affixed on all products sold at GOIL marts with road safety messages reminding customers of their responsibility as road users.
Thus, for every product patronised at any GOIL mart, people are reminded of the threats to deaths and injuries on the road and what they could do to minimize the risk.
Me Linda Affotey-Annang, Central Regional Head of the NRSA expressed delight at the campaign and underscored the need for similar collaborations to deal with the challenges of road crashes.
She said the campaign was targeted at every road user – drivers, passengers, riders, and pedestrians saying “we must be constantly reminded of our civic responsibility to save lives and cost.
The initiative, she said was tied to the national campaign of the NRSA which seeks to enhance best road practices for all category of road users.
Ms Marylyn Owusu-Sekyere, the Human Resource and Administrative Manager of Bidi Group said the high rate of accidents with its repercussions on the nation required collective and urgent actions, and encouraged all stakeholders to work tirelessly to ensure that the campaign was sustained to achieve its objectives.
She commended the NRSA for their tireless efforts in ensuring safety on the road and assured of the company’s continual support and collaboration.
Mrs Fautina Martin-Davis, Western Zone Manager of GOIL hoped that the campaign messages would ignite the passion of Ghanaians to be advocates of road safety and a patron of the GOIL brand.
Representatives of the Police MTTD, the GPRTU and the National Insurance Commission took turns to address the gathering and encouraged drivers and road users to adhere to road safety regulations.

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