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Security is a shared responsibility

  29 Janvier      76        Société (45204),


Tema, Jan. 29, GNA-“Security is a shared responsibility and the police work hand-in-hand with the public to ensure that we achieve our mandate to prevent and detect crime, to apprehend offenders, and to maintain public order and safety of persons and properties.
“The Ghana Police Service exists to deliver services in crime prevention, detection, apprehension, and prosecution of offenders consistent with the expectations of Ghana stakeholders for maximum protection, safe, secure and peaceful Communities,” Superintendent Kwabena Otuo Acheampong, Tema Regional Crime Officer has stated.
He explained that as a result it had upscaled security operations including; working closely with strategic stakeholders under the command which resulted in the reduction of violent crime in 2021, and gave the citizenry some level of protection.
Supt. Acheampong stated at the ninth: “End of Month Stakeholder Engagement and Workers Appreciation Day,” seminar organized by the Ghana News Agency Tema Regional Office which is a platform rolled out for state and non-state actors to address national issues.
Speaking on the topic: “Overview of the security situation in the Tema Region-Role of Stakeholders in crime prevention,” Supt. Acheampong said they remained the most secured and safest in terms of violent crime in the whole of Tema Region and its enclave.
He said four major violent crimes committed last year included; robberies, murder, defilement, and rape, but these were reduced in the vicinity due to multifaceted strategies implemented.
He acknowledged the fact that crime could not be stopped in any community, but could be prevented adding crime prevention was a shared responsibility”.
He encouraged people to put a premium on their personal security and the environment by adopting modern security technologies such as trackers, and alarms in their vehicles, and also installing CCTV cameras at home.
Mr. Francis Ameyibor, Ghana News Agency Tema Regional Manager cautioned the public against over-involvement in unfolding events, trying to capture with mobile phones and other devices scenes of accidents, or criminal activities, as such acts were risky.
He said the quest to be the first to broadcast unfolding events should not over-shadow personal security, “you must live to tell a good story but if you perish as a result of getting too close to the unfolding events, you become part of the casualty statistics”.
“Getting too much involved in taking videos and pictures, we may end up interfering with vital crime scene evidence, let us balance the emerging citizen journalism with some sense of responsibility and security consciousness”.

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