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Tourist Association of Fogo, City Halls and Tourism Fund celebrate agreement for mobile mapping of the island

  24 Février      34        Société (45213),


São Filipe, Feb 24 (Inforpress) – The Tourist Association of Fogo (FG Turismo), the City Halls and the Ministry of Tourism and Transport, through the Social Sustainability Tourism Fund (FSST) today sing an agreement to execute a mobile mapping project.
The mapping of all the sights in the island of Fogo is part of digital marketing and is one of the activities the FG Turismo proposes to carry out within the framework of its activity plan and, for its implementation, has the partnerships of the three City Halls and the FSST.
The island of Fogo, according to the president of the board of FG Turismo, Luísa Francisca Lopes, has “several interesting attractions” for tourists, noting that in addition to the volcano, which is “the mainattraction”, the island has “unique characteristics” regarding the history and local culture, the landscape beauty of São Filipe, with its colonial houses and cultural manifestations.
It also highlighted the seafront with the black sand beaches, the rock formations and the natural pool of Salinas, remembering why “Fogo is more than the volcano” and its tourism can be explored with diverse themes, and can be promoted as a tourist destination “very attractive and diverse”, complementing the options offered to tourists in Cabo Verde.

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