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UHAS group supports New Horizon E.P. Educational Centre for the Blind

  11 Juin      34        Société (45260),


Ho, June 11, GNA- A Gender group of the University of Health and Allied Sciences (UHAS) has presented some assorted items to the New Horizon Evangelical Presbyterian Educational Centre for the Blind in Ho, Volta Regional capital.
The items, which included; packs of toilet roll, pads, nose masks, bags of rice, boxes of soap, antiseptics, bottles of hand sanitizer and an undisclosed amount of cash are to help management take care of visually impaired children at the Centre.
Madam Maria Gwira, Director of Public Affairs of the University said the donation formed part of the University’s social responsibility, which has community service as one of its pillars.
She said visually impaired persons were not dysfunctional in society and underscored the need for the country to provide necessary support to persons with visual impairment for their holistic development.
Mr Eric Kwablah Ofori, Director of the Centre was grateful to the University for the support saying the items would go a long way to help in managing the Centre.
He said the items would enable the children to observe health safety protocols to stem the spread of the novel coronavirus.
Mr Ofori also appealed to government, philanthropists and benevolent organizations to support the Centre with technological equipment to enhance teaching and learning.

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