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« We have confidence in our candidates » –GUM

  16 Novembre      21        Politique (25417),


Koforidua (E/R), Nov. 16, GNA – Mr Charles Adua, New Juaben South Constituency Chairman of the Ghana Union Movement (GUM), has observed that the Party was confident in winning all the eleven parliamentary seats the Party was contesting in the Eastern Region, come December 7.
He said the party was aware the Region was a stronghold of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), but they were not daunted because their candidates were up to the task and urged the electorate to vote massively for the GUM for a change.
He mentioned Ms Petra Adwoa Penianah, who was contesting on the Party’s ticket, against two males from the NDC and NPP in the New Juaben South Constituency as one of the candidates they were sure could wrestle the seat from the NPP on December 7.
The Constituency Chairman noted that the Party had adopted a strategy of engaging with the grassroots and believed that their message was going down well with the people and called on the people to change their voting pattern and try GUM.

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