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“We want peace in Guinea-Bissau” marks the march of Guineans in Cabo Verde for peace

  10 Mars      38        Politique (25417),


Praia, Mar 10 (Inforpress) – A banner with the phrase “We want peace in Guinea-Bissau” marked, on Sunday, the march in defense of democracy and peace in Guinea-Bissau, held in Praia, in which about a hundred Guineans living in the capital participated.

The march, which left Várzea stadium, towards the United Nations headquarters, in Achada Santo António, aimed, according to the organization’s spokesman, Paulo Nancassa, to express Guineans concern on regard of the political crisis in Guinea -Bissau, after Umaro Sissoco Embaló took up office as President of the country.

In light of this, Paulo Nancassa, like the Guineans participating in the march, are of the opinion that as long as there was no Supreme Court decision there could be no “usurpation of power”, and therefore demand the exit of the military and the “coup plotters”, since they claim, “in Guinea-Bissau there is no place for dictatorship”.

A second objective of the march, according to Paulo Nancassa, is to deliver a letter to the heads of the United Nations in Cabo Verde requesting the intervention of this international organization in Guinea-Bissau, since the ECOWAS force present in the country has failed to prevent State institutions were occupied by “coup plotters”.

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