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Weah Distances Himself From Upcoming Book On His Football Career

  17 Décembre      40        Arts & Cultures (3104),


Monrovia, Dec. 16 (LINA) – President George Weah is greatly concerned about news that journalist Omari Jackson of the Daily Observer Newspaper is in the process of releasing a book titled: « Untold Story of President Weah. »

The book, which seems to project a detailed account of the President’s journey from Liberia to Cameroon where he played his semi-professional soccer, is slated to be released early next year, according to a presidential release issued in Monrovia.

The President, having had access to excerpts of the book claiming to depict an accurate account of his early days as a semi-professional soccer player, wishes to distance himself from the narrative therein, and would like to categorically and unequivocally reject the contents of the book.

The President further asserts that at no time he recalls any of the incidents being narrated by Mr. Jackson, and hereby deems the narrative portraying his early soccer career as an uncorroborated fictional fairytale meant for self-aggrandizement and an attempt to gain relevance at his expense.

At the appropriate time, the release said, the President will make a determination as to how he intends to present a more accurate account of his biography through an authorized author to the world.

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