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Young Africans can maximise their potential with the right resources

  11 Août      84        Société (45194),


By Robert Anane

Accra, August 11, 2018 (GNA) – Young people in Ghana and Africa as a whole, would be able to maximise their potential and resources, when given the right platform, Mr Lambert Donkor, President of Impact Ghana Agenda has said.

« Youth represent massive untapped potential for the development of the various sectors of a nation’s economy if appropriately equipped. »

Mr Donkor said this at commemoration of International Youth Day, at Webster University in Accra on the theme, « Safe Spaces for Youth. »

Mr Donkor noted, that Africa had the fastest growing and most youthful population in the world, with about 40 percent under the age of 15 while over 20 percent were between the ages of 15 and thirty.

« I therefore humbly call on President Nana Akufo Addo, to humbly note that advancing the status of young people in Africa and Ghana for that matter, would require innovative investment, which is strategic and resourceful, » he said.

Mr Donkor said such investments should include; services that are designed for the most marginalised youth, and to strengthen the ability of aspiring young leaders to enrich their future through making use of their potentials within safe environments, where guidance was offered.

He observed that youth development for employment and leadership was crucial to resolving the current « economic trend all over the world especially Africa ».

Mr Donkor continued, « As we focus on Safe Spaces for Youth, it is important that our attention be drawn to the fact that the political crisis that youth experience is due to poor leadership and governance, that puts youth outside of decision making at local, local, national, regional and international levels, whereas moral crisis faced by young people was the result of a lack of direction.

He said what the youth needed was a future that was hopeful and positive. With resources and tools, that enabled the building of self-awareness and also enabled the youth take charge of the future as individuals as well as catalysts for change in their various communities.

Mr Donkor urged the youth to identify safe spaces, where they could safely interact and find encouragement as well as guidance and commended the National Youth Authority for establishing a rehabilitation centre for tramadol abusers saying, « let us all join the fight to save our nation. Talk to someone to know their concern. You might be a messiah. »

Madam Christa Sanders, Director of Webster University-Ghana, urged young people to strive towards developing competence that held global value as the world was now a global village.

Madam Sanders said a key strategy for building this kind of competence, was to create safe spaces, where people could uncover their innermost talents and abilities without inhibition.

International Youth Day has been set aside by the UN, to celebrate the youth and address their concerns in their various endeavours.

Impact Ghana Agenda is a youth based hub in Ghana with the aim of empowering young people to contribute to social development and nation building.


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