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Moroccan Caftan Shines Brightly at UNESCO Africa Week in Paris

  23 Mai      10        Arts & Cultures (1947),


Paris, 05/23/2024 (MAP) – The Moroccan caftan was the highlight of an African fashion show held on Wednesday evening in Paris, as part of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) Africa Week.

The caftan, a traditional garment that constitutes a living expression of Moroccan identity and the most eloquent demonstration of the agility and ancestral craftsmanship of Moroccan maâlems, captivated with its beauty, finesse, and glamour a large audience of diplomats, including Ambassador Samir Addahre, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom to UNESCO, artists, designers, international personalities and journalists.

After the Mali fashion show kicked off the event, the Moroccan caftan in its various guises took over to the applause and youyous of an ecstatic audience.

Fashioned by Moroccan stylist Nissrine Zaki, the models took the audience on a voyage through time, of a traditional garment that represents a living national heritage, transcending the ages while preserving its authentic charm.

Speaking to MAP, Nissrine Zaki expressed her honor of representing Morocco at this UNESCO event. « It’s a highly important event, for we are here to defend our heritage and our legacy, which is the Moroccan caftan, » she said.

Her collection showcases a stunning fusion of modern and antique caftans, some of which date back almost 100 years, she pointed out, adding that one of the caftans displayed at the show is completely woven in gold, and has been handed down from one generation to the next.

The fashion show also represents the different regions of the Kingdom in their finest authentic jewels, Zaki said, adding that this colorful show is a story that unfolds from the beginning to the end.

« We set out from the Merinid era, the heyday of the Moroccan caftan, to the present day, to demonstrate the way Moroccans have protected their heritage and preserved this authentic, traditional beauty which has evolved through time while retaining its authenticity », she explained.

Held on May 22-24, the 2024 UNESCO African Week features an eclectic program including exhibitions, workshops for youth, conferences and debates, artistic events, and tastings of authentic African dishes.

The week’s opening ceremony was marked by Moroccan music of Daqqa Marrakchia and Reggada, in the presence of Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid, Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, the event’s guest of honor, Ambassador Samir Addahre, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom to UNESCO, and HM the King’s Ambassador to Paris, Samira Sitaïl, joined by African ministers, ambassadors and senior officials of the UN organization.

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