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President Pro-Tempore Reaffirms Liberia’s Stance On One China Policy

  18 Juin      49        Migration (1219), Politics (18721),


MONROVIA, June 18 (LINA) – President Pro -Tempore of the Liberian Senate and Grand Kru County Senator Albert Chie has reaffirmed
Liberia’s position to maintain the One China Policy of the West African nation.

Speaking on Monday at his Capitol Building office in Monrovia, Senator Chie said the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) government will continue to maintain the One China Policy and encouraged Chinese companies to invest in Liberia to strengthen the economy of the country.

According to a release from the Press and Public Affairs Department of the Liberian Senate, Pro-Tempore Chie made the statement Monday when an 18-man Chinese delegation paid a visit to his office accompanied by Grand Bassa County Senator, Jonathan Kaipay, and Liberian Ambassador to China, D. McKinley Thomas.

Chie paid tribute to the Chinese Government for the many development projects undertaken in the country, including the ongoing construction work at the Capitol Building, seat of the National Legislature.

Briefing the gathering, the head of the Chinese delegation, Ge Yong, expressed interest in working and investing in Liberia.

He said Power China, a Chinese firm, would like to invest in the country in the areas of energy, and real estate, especially local
housing construction, among others.

Power China is one of the largest companies in China and has expressed interest in working and investing in Liberia.

The Chinese delegation came to Liberia as a result of a visit paid by the First Lady of Liberia, Madam Clar M. Weah, and Grand Bassa County
Senator, Jonathan Kaipay, who participated in several meetings while in China .

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