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Wahala Entertainment opens new media studio in Accra

  18 Janvier      24        Arts & Cultures (3096),


Accra, Jan. 16, GNA – Wahala Entertainment Media Studios has officially opened its ultra-modern media studios at the Zen Garden in Labone, Accra.

The new studios is equipped with the best video productions and photography equipment, state of the art dance classes studio, marketing solutions and a 360 media house to help elevate quality content from Ghana.

The unveiling of the new studios also witness the release of Lady Jay’s the latest video ‘For You You You’ featuring Magnom.

Lady Jay, a signee under Wahala Entertainment interacted with the media and some music-loving fans and hinted that 2020 would see her thrill fans with the best of classic music and mind-blowing stage craft.

She commended the Chief Executive Office of Wahala Entertainment, Wael Hakim for opening the new studio to support people with talent to dance, sing and play musical instruments.

The Wahala Entertainment studio launch was graced also by some celebrities like Gyedu Blay Ambulley, Kwan Pa, Efya, KOD, MzVee, among others.

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