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Young Christians urged to be examples to peers

  18 Avril      10        Religion (1311),


Sefwi-Bekwai(WN), April 18, GNA – Right Reverend Robert Felix Bassaw,  Bishop of the Sefwi Bekwai Diocese of the Methodist Church, has asked young Christians to  live exemplary lives to lead  their peers to Christ.

He said when the young Christian lived right, their fellows would also be motivated to turn away from evil.

Rt. Rev. Bassaw also advised the youth to desist from social vices.

He was speaking at the 5th Biennial Youth Delegates Conference at Sefwi Bodi in the Western North Region on the theme:  »Discipleship, Teaching Everyone to Live Like Jesus Christ. »

 »’As Christian youth,  don’t copy the world, rather you should know the Bible, learn the  Teachings and use it to transform the world, » he advised.

There were some skills training programmes, including  liquid soaps making, shower Gel making and vegetables farming for the youth.

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