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FIFA approves transfer of young players with dual nationality to a second national team

  22 Septembre      41        Sport (12771),


Praia, Sep 22 (Inforpress) – FIFA approved this Saturday, at its 70th Congress, young players with dual nationality, who had already played for the national team A of a country, can do it for a second national team, situation that was not allowed before.
This position from the highest body that governs world football was ratified in the Congress, held virtually, and which involved the involvement of 211 affiliated federations.
For this to happen, players with dual nationality will have to fulfill certain requirements, namely being under 21 at the time of their first internationalization, having played less than three games, not having been called up by the first national team for three consecutive years, after the last game and have not participated in any of the games in the final stages of the FIFA Tournaments or Confederations.
According to the Cabo Verdean Football Federation, which was represented at this congress through the zoom platform, by its president, Mário Semedo, “this change in the regulations was very welcomed, especially by the African federations, evaluating the results of the vote”, with only one vote against.

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