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Gains Made In Cocoa Sector Delight EU Envoy

  8 Janvier      54        Agriculture (4151), Economie (21053),


By Dorcas T. Gboerreh-Boe & Kimberlyn Mckeever

MONROVIA, Jan. 8 (LINA) – European Union (EU) Ambassador to Liberia, Hélène Cavé, has expressed satisfaction over the implementation of the Liberia Cocoa Sector Improvement Program (LICSIP).

The EU head of Delegation was speaking following a tour of Totota, Nyarta and Geayard in Bong County recently to view the program, including the cocoa nursery and several model farms.

« I wanted to see if we registered some progress after few months since the project was launched, and I am very happy because the answer is yes, » she said.

Ambassador Cavé also said it was amazing to see how the implementation was already positively impacting the lives of the communities in which they were being implemented.

« The communities already see the benefits of the program because they have learned new techniques and they see how important it is to have seasonal crops alongside the cocoa, » she noted.

The EU diplomat said that the farmers are already earning some monies from the program, not the cocoa itself, but from other crops, and they are already seeing some improvements in their daily lives.

She added that it is something that is very motivating for them.

« Some will tell you that they can buy rice and send their children to school; and if I can send these messages back to the EU, people will be very happy to see that their money is well used, this is very positive. » the Ambassador stated.

On the issue of a possible extension of the program which is being financed under the 11th European Union Development Fund, Ambassador Cavé pointed out that it was too early to speak to that,

She, however, noted that a project that works well as the LICSIP will always have something after a phase ends.

She called on the farmers to continue being positive, believing that this will work, adding that, some of the farmers said that they have never had such a support, so the financial support from the EU along with the technical expertise from Solidaridad is very good and encouraging, » a release said.


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