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No report of Lassa fever in Ebonyi-Health Commissioner

  28 Janvier      50        Santé (15409), Société (45260),


Abuja, Jan. 28, 2019 (NAN) Dr Daniel Umezurike, Ebonyi Commissioner for Health, says there is no report of Lassa fever from the state as being speculated.

Umezurike told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abakaliki that the two patients, who died of the disease at the South-East Virology Centre Abakaliki, South East Nigeria were admitted from other states.

« The virology centre attended to suspected lassa and other hemorrhagic fever cases from the zone and beyond as the victims were from Enugu and Cross River.

« The victim from Enugu, a male child, was not brought to the centre on time by his relatives but the doctors did their best to save his life.

« But unfortunately, he died after three hours at the centre. The second victim, a female from Cross River died on her way to the centre, » he said.

« The public need not to panic because there is no report of lassa fever from the state.

« The situation has been brought under control as we are ready to protect the people of the state from the disease and other related diseases at all times, » he said.

He however, urged them to keep their environment clean, desist from bush burning, and avoid touching or eating rats especially, during the dry season.

« People should desist from keeping foods carelessly in their various homes, bearing in mind that during the dry season rats migrates into homes indiscriminately when bushes are being burnt.

« People should also avoid self-medication and visit the hospital as early as possible to avoid deterioration of suspected cases.

« Health workers on their part should be adequately prepared and adorn required medical kits when treating patients at hospitals. »

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