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PAICV’s President defends “national debate” on privatization in Cabo Verde

  31 Mai      50        Economie (21055),


Porto Novo, May 31 (Inforpress) – The PAICV’s President (opposition party), Rui Semedo, defended this Sunday in Santo Antão the need to make “a national debate” on privatization in Cabo Verde “thinking about the development of the country”.
Rui Semedo, who was speaking at the ending of the PAICV regional assembly in Santo Antão, said Cabo Verde needs to have this debate “to define which sector the State should play a key role in” and it would not be included in the privatization list.
“It would be a discussion thinking about the country and its development,” the President of PAICV said, saying that “in all countries, the State must define what is strategic and what cannot be privatized.”
Rui Semedo said that the Government of the MpD has in its list of privatization “more than 20 companies”, that is, “all companies in Cabo Verde”, because it understands that “the State must get out absolutely everything”, contrary to what the PAICV thinks.

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