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Pres. Weah To Break Ground For New Sports Park In Sinkor Airfield

  9 Février      51        Sport (12788),


MONROVIA, Feb. 8 (LINA) – President George Manneh Weah is expected to break ground this Tuesday, February 9, for a new Sports Park to be constructed at the well- known Sinkor-Airfield Football Field on Tubman Boulevard.

The Sports Park to be named “Invincible Park” is the first of several sports parks that President Weah intends to construct in various communities within Monrovia and its environs.

The Invincible Park, expected to be completed in four months, will host three football pitches, two basketball courts, a tennis court and another for volleyball.

The Liberian leader said his desire to construct these Sports Parks is to get the young people of the country playing again and aspiring for excellence in sports.

“I played at the Sinkor Airfield where Invincible Eleven, my club, practiced and I became the best in the world of Football. I believe with the development of the area, we can have more Ballon d’Or winners like me,” President Weah averred.

The ground breaking ceremony takes place at 2:00 p.m. The Ministry of Youth and Sports, Heads of the various Sporting Associations and Organizations, sports enthusiasts and the community leaders are all expected to be in attendance.

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