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SCM welcomes the opening of Spotify services in Cabo Verde

  25 Février      22        Société (45223),


Praia, Feb 25 (Inforpress) – The Cabo Verdean Society of Music (SCM) welcomes the Spotify’s decision to open its services in Cabo Verde in the coming days as part of its global performance expansion in more than 80 new markets.
“The excellent news of Spotify’s decision to open its services in Cabo Verde, as part of its global operations expansion in more than 80 new markets, was announced during the Spotify Stream On virtual eventon February 22,” said the SCM statement addressed to Inforpress.
It reads this note signed by the president, Solange Cesarovna, this is a great opportunity for digital distribution, for musicians, authors, artists, composers, music producers and music editors in Cabo Verde.
The Cabo Verdean musicians, with the start of the Spotify opening in Cabo Verde, will be able to take advantage of the possibility to digital music distribution through this streaming platform, from our territory, and thereby reach a potential global market of over 300 millions of Spotify listeners.

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