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High Authority for Immigration will propose law of nationality “more humane” for children born in the country

  25 Juin      18        Société (45146),


Praia City, 25 Jun (Inforpress) – The High Authority for Immigration (AAI) will propose to the Government and entities dealing with the law of nationality a proposal for a law “more humane” for children born in Cabo Verdean territory.

The information was forwarded to the press by the President of the AAI, Carmem Barros, as part of the first series of meetings scheduled by the institution to analyze the law of nationality and immigrants integration, aiming at “better information and awareness” about the law and the reason for being a proposal “more humane” for children born in the national territory.

“The law of nationality is a legislation most influences and conditions the integration of immigrants. However, it is comprehensive legislation touches on immigration, but also the emigration of our communities abroad,” she said, noting that the law is from 1990 and  the last changes were made 29 years ago, so today’s reality “is different” from the one existing at the time it was passed.

According to him, the AAI is promoting irregular stay, but rather to fight so that children born in the national territory are not penalized by the fact the parents are not in a regular situation, when their children are born in the country and without even knowing other realities for many years.

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