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Margibi Supt. Wants Ministries, County Heads Collaborate

  18 Juin      54        Société (45271),


By Richard D. Baysah, LINA Margibi County Correspondent

KAKATA, June 18 (LINA) – The Superintendent of Margibi County is calling on heads of line ministries, agencies and commissions in the
county to work in close collaboration with his office to achieve the goals of government.

Superintendent Jerry Varnie said as Superintendent of Margibi County, he will engage all line ministries, agencies and commissions to keep
track of their activities, strengths as well as challenges that is affecting their productivity.

Supt. Varnies made the statement Monday in Kakata during his first local cabinet meeting with heads of line ministries, agencies and
commissions in Margibi County.

He also stressed the need for improved performance and proper coordination of all line ministries, agencies and commissions at the
sub-national level so as to achieve maximum productivity.

« As Superintendent of Margibi County, I will at all times endeavor to use the ‘bottom to top approach’ to conduct the affairs of the county,
as I will at all times keep in close alignment with almost everybody that is required to reach to, » Varnie also stated.

In separate remarks, heads of various line ministries, agencies and commissions in Margibi County thanked Superintendent Varnie for
holding the first local cabinet meeting with them in the county.

They outlined the numerous constraints they face in their day-to-day operations, noting: « We are all faced with logistical problems in the
county which is just not a unique situation to a particular line ministry, agency or commission, » they said.

They also assured Superintendent Varnie of their full collaboration, coordination and cooperation so as effectively govern the county.

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