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Prelate Encourages Pres. Weah To Remain Dedicated To Prayers

  11 Juin      27        Religion (1311),


MONROVIA, June 10 (LINA) – The Regional Pastor of Omega Fire Ministries International (OFMI) Liberia, Alex Ajayi has called on President George Manneh Weah to remain dedicated to prayers and to know God for himself as well as being mindful of decisions he takes in governing the people of Liberia.

Ajayi said the Liberian leader should not listen to things that will destroy his government and derail the country’s peace.

The OFM prelate is recommending that the Government takes drastic action against those seeking to destroy the peace and stability of Liberia and as well prosecute all those that will be caught in the act of corruption.

Ajayi made the comments on Sunday when he delivered a sermon during the OFM regular divine worship service held at its sub-branch in Jamaica Road, Bushrod Island.

During the sermon, Ajayi prophesize that within the shortest possible time Liberia’s economy will begin to rise and will experience significant improvement.

The Prelate, however, wants President Weah to govern the nation in a manner that is void of friendship and nepotism, saying that “friendship might destroy his positive platform.”

Ajayi predicted that “Liberia shall never fall under the leadership of President Weah but will rise to accomplish all of its development agendas.

It can be recalled that Ajayi, who is a Nigerian prelate, prophesied in 2014 that President George Weah, who was then Senator of Montserrado County, would have been the winner of the 2017 presidential election in Liberia.

In his prophecy, Ajayi cited that henceforth Liberia will begin to see positive changes and development that will attract investors.

Also in his Sunday’s discourse Ajayi told the congregation that Liberians will begin to enjoy the fruit of their labor and that “there shall be no more struggle and weeping in the land of Liberia.”

He intoned that the hand of God has touched the nation of Liberia and great things will begin to happen, saying that Liberians will once again smile and live in peace and harmony.

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