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Magistrate Court Subpoenas Police Inspector General In Vehicle Case

  8 Février      54        Justice (1671),


MONROVIA, Feb. 7 (LINA) – Magistrate Ben Barco has issued a writ of subpoena duces stecum on the Inspector General of the Liberia National Police (LNP), Patrick Sudue, to produce the necessary documents in a Toyota Tundra V8 Pick-up case investigated at the Auto Theft Division of the LNP.

It in keeping with an order by Presiding Judge Blamo Dixon who mandated Magistrate Ben Barco to resume jurisdiction over Rev. Abraham Cheyee Toyota Tundra V8 Pick-up case following a summary proceeding filed in the case by the lawyer representing Pastor Chayee.

Judge Dixon also mandated the Magistrate to order his Clerk to issue a writ of subpoena duces stecum on the Director of Police to produce the records of the investigation conducted in the said case at the police station and have same forwarded to the court.

The writ was served on the Inspector General on February 4, 2021.

The lawyer representing the General Overseer of the Bible Baptist Church located at ELWA Rock Hill Community, Rev. Cheyee two weeks ago filed a summary proceeding against Magistrate Barco for what he sees to be an unfair trial of his client.

Subpoena duces stecum is a writ ordering a person to attend a court and bring relevant documents.

During the Police investigation at the time, defendant Cheala Oca Magistrate Court and that of the son of Rev Abraham Chayee, Armour Chayee, was not also delivered for reasons best known to Magistrate Barco.

At first, the case was before Associate Magistrate Quincy Garnett due to the delay of the Magistrate to proceed with said case prompted the lawyer representing Rev. Chayee, Atty. Julius Addy to file a petition for summary proceeding against him, following that the case later went before Magistrate Ben Barco, who is also delaying in proceeding with case for over a year now.

However, Rev Chayee is calling for speedy trial in his case, and has been trying to get justice, through the proper means by making assignments in the case, but whenever he goes to court either the lawyer of the accused is not in court, or another excuse given for over a year now since the start of the case.

Defendant Ocansey allegedly absconded with the car in December 2018, after his friend Amour Chayee told him to help sell the car after been authorized by his father to enable him travel to India for study.

At first the case was before Associate Magistrate Quincy Garnett due to the delay of the Magistrate to proceed with the case prompted the lawyer representing him Atty. Addy to file a petition for summary proceeding against him, and following that the case later went before Magistrate Ben Barco, who is also reportedly delaying proceeding with case for over a year now.

When the LNP Chief of Auto Theft, Varfa Kulee, refused to present the written investigation before the court, which Judge Barco did not do anything about, it prompted Atty. Addy to file a summary proceeding against him.

The defendant was arrested August 1, 2019, following a writ of arrest obtained from the Monrovia City Court through Rev. Cheyee, father of Amour Cheyee, who was authorized by his father to find buyer for the pick-up to enable him purchase his air ticket to travel.

According to Rev, Chayee, the accused Ocansey stole his car after his son Armour had given him the car documents to find a buyer and then he (Ocansey) absconded from the country until he was arrested following a tip-off by certain individuals.

The case has since been off and on for two years after making series of assignments in the matter.

Meanwhile, the court has given the Police IG order to produce said documents within seven days.

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