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Agric. Ministry To Hold 3-Day Nat’l Fair In Gbarnga – Says Min. Cooper

  2 Février      29        Agriculture (4148),


MONROVIA, Feb.1 (LINA) – Agriculture Minister Jeanine Milly Cooper has disclosed that the Ministry will host a National Agriculture Fair from February 12-14 in Bong County.

She said the Ministry is mandated and required by law to host an annual National Agriculture Fair to showcase and promote the agriculture sector of Liberia.

Disclosing this at a press conference held at the Ministry on Monday, Minister Cooper said this is also in accordance with President George Weah’s declaration,\ that “Liberians will no longer be spectators in their own economy and must grow what they eat and eat what they grow.”

According to her, the “fair will set the tone and tenor on our national quest to give the masses of Liberians the opportunity to improve their lives and start them on the road of prosperity” and development as outlined in the Pro -Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD).

Speaking further, Madam Cooper stated that the fair comes following President Weah’s pronouncement of a new push by the Government of Liberia to foster positive growth for the agriculture sector.

President Weah will attend the National Agriculture Fair and engage sector actors at all levels, Minister Cooper revealed..

She indicated that the fair will present a never- before-seen opportunity for the lowliest farmers to the highest farmer to engage directly at the highest level of the agricultural sector governance.

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