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Boa Vista: Citizens and emigrants want to listen the Radio Voz de Bubista again

  14 Février      30        Arts & Cultures (3109),


Sal Rei, Feb 14 (Inforpress) – The citizens ask for the reopening of Radio Voz de Bubista to live up to the name of the station, “give voice” to local news, music, sports, its people and what is peculiar of Boa Vista Island.
On the World Radio Day, celebrated on Sunday, the 13th, the Inforpress contacted citizens in Boa Vista who are frequent listeners of the Voz de Bubista community radio, which was closed since July 2020, leaving the island during this period without access to local information, but in recent months returned to be on the air only with musical broadcast.
The listener Fernando Lopes said that the need to listen to community radio is so much that he has been trying to know from the responsible when we can expect the reopening of Radio Voz de Bubista.
This is because, for him, it is the only channel on which he could hear news, events, local peculiarities and keep informed about the new ones on the island, in addition to music and local sport.

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