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CODES, UNICEF Declare Over 10 Grand Kru Communities Open Defecation Free

  18 Octobre      46        Santé (15392),


Monrovia, Oct.17 (LINA) – Local administration in Grand Kru County along with Community Development Services (CODES) and UNICEF has declared over ten communities in the county Open Defecation Free (ODF).

In remarks at a program held in Gbeken Community in Trehn Statutory District, the project officer of CODES, Anthony Vorkpor, said the event is part of the enhanced Community-Led  Total Sanitation program (CLTS) being implemented by the Community Development Services with funding from UNICEF.

He said declaring the ten communities ODF is intended to reduce waterborne diseases, restore communities’ self-respect and maintain inhabitants access to safe drinking water.

Nygbowin, Sangbniken, Genken, Jacob Town, Gbaladawen, Tiaken, Tunuwen, New Tegbaken, Gbayah, Weteken Big Town and Klobedro are some of the other communities that have gained ODF status in Grand Kru.

‘’We started this CLTS program in 11 communities and through our engagements, 10 of them have realized that constructing a house and living in a town without toilet facilities poses serious health hazard to citizens; so our awareness over the period has empowered communities to build their own latrines  using local materials in the county,” said Vorkpor.

The project officer indicated that each of the communities received wheelbarrows, cutlasses, diggers and shovels, among other tools to build their latrines..

Making remarks on behalf of the communities, Daniel Bahway expressed gratitude to CODES, UNICEF and the Liberian Government for directing them to do the right things for their personal safety as part of respecting the public health law.

He indicated that the timely intervention of partners has prevented citizens from contracting common diseases and promised that as beneficiaries of the project they will continue to maintain their status as ODF communities.

Also speaking during the occasion, Grand Kru County Inspector Jacob Karmbor Weah said UNICEF’s support to CODES was in a positive direction and encouraging to advance WASH activities in the county.

He cautioned beneficiary communities to embrace the WASH program to remain healthy and support the Pro-poor Agenda, adding: “I will keep watching you with eagle eyes.”

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