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Jorge Carlos Fonseca receives today the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the Portucalense University


Praia, Jun 16 (Inforpress) – The President of the Republic, Jorge Carlos Fonseca, receives today from the Portucalense University, Portugal, the title of Doctor Honoris Causa in recognition for his career as a politician, university professor and writer.
“Dr. Jorge Carlos Fonseca is an remarkable Statesman, distinguished lawyer in the areas of Criminal Law, Criminal and Constitutional Procedure, recognized university professor and relevant Man of Culture”, refers the order published on the university’s website.
In the political field, the university highlights all his “long action” in defense of the independence of the peoples, from the outset and first of all of the People of Cabo Verde, democracy and international cooperation, with the main objectives of promoting peace and the well-being of the peoples.
The ceremony, which will take place in the city of Porto, is  scheduled to 4:00PM and the praise will be in charge of the constitutionalist and professor at the University of Minho,  Wlademir  Brito, a native of the island of São Vicente and for several years living in Portugal.

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