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Two crash to death by an articulator truck in Takoradi

  28 Novembre      60        Société (45462),


By Mildred Siabi-Mensah, GNA

Takoradi, Nov. 28, GNA -Two persons lost their lives in a gory road crash on the Paa Grant road in Takoradi.

Information received from the Regional Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Olivia Adiku, said the deceased, died on the spot in their Daewoo Matrix private car with registration number WR 1049 – 19 when a forty feet container on a truck fell on their car.

She explained that the private car was heading towards the Kwame Nkrumah Round About, but on reaching the VODAFONE road intersection, the Daf Articulator with registration number GT 5953 – 20 also from the opposite direction veered off its lane climbed the median to the lane of the matrix car.

The Container loaded with Cocoa on the truck, then detached from the Truck and fell on the matrix crushing it and trapped the two deceased in the car.

DSP Adiku said it took the Fire Service and Road safety recovery truck time to retrieve the remains of the two, which have since been deposited at the Effia Nkwanta Government hospital morgue pending autopsy.

Meanwhile, suspect driver, Emmanuel Kwaku is now in police custody while the truck had been towed to the Regional Motor Traffic and Transport Department for further investigations.

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