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Santiago Island tourist guides attend training to reinforce their skills

  19 Octobre      30        Société (45134),


Praia, Oct 19 (Inforpress) – A group of 30 tourism guides from Santiago Island will attend a training course aiming to strengthen their skills, lasting eight weeks in the City of Praia.
The training course starting today is promoted by the Ministry of Tourism and Transport (MTT), in partnership with the School of Tourism of Cabo Verde (EHTCV), where the training will take place, according to information gave by the organization.
According to the same source, the course aims to reinforce the skills of these professionals, particularly, on informing and interpreting the heritage and tourism resources of the specific scope of action, through the application of interaction techniques, guaranteeing assistance service to tourists with “security, using two foreign languages whenever necessary”.
The organization also explained that the guides will improve and reinforce their skills and knowledge on Cabo Verdean history and culture, in natural tourist resources, design of itineraries and preparation of a guide service, tourist entertainment, technical French and German for the guide service, oral communication of Portuguese and conflict management.

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