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Women centre partners UniAbuja to run masters degree programme in Gender Studies

  18 Décembre      62        Education (7141), LeaderShip Feminin (448), Société (45172),


Abuja, Dec. 18, 2018 (NAN) The National Centre for Women Development (NCWD) has signed an MoU with University of Abuja (UniAbuja) to run masters degree programme in Gender Studies and Youth Development.

The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Michael Adigu, signed the agreement on behalf of the institution, witnessed by top academic staff and management staff of the centre in Abuja, nation’s capital.

Adigu said that the signing of the MoU would ensure both parties worked hard and  utilised the benefits of the programme.

The Director General of NCWD, Mrs Mary Ekpere-Eta, who signed on behalf of the centre, assured the vice chancellor of total support, noting that the centre would work hard to see to its success.

She said that the office of the First Lady and the Women Affairs Ministry as well as other stakeholders would be involved by sending potential students to benefit from the programme.

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