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The gap between rich and poor is education- Imam

  31 Juillet      33        Société (45172),


Kpando (V/R), July 31, GNA- Mr Mustapha Aziz, the Kpando Municipal Chief Imam, has advised Muslim youth to pursue education as a catalyst for self-worth, saying education fills the gap between the rich and the poor.

He said Muslim youth should seek education and to refrain from being used by politicians for unproductive acts, including orchestrated violence.

Mr Aziz, who was speaking to the Ghana News Agency (GNA), said,
“politicians fall on the youth without inquiring about their educational backgrounds to hire them for violent acts but would require their certificates when these same youth are seeking for employment and I believe it is time the youth put an end to that.”

He urged Muslim youth to reject the violence tag and become peaceful to themselves and society, adding “killing yourself for a politician is not worth dying for and remember these politicians will not remember you when employing people. »

« The Muslim youth have been tagged as violent for far too long and something must be done about it, » Imam Aziz said.

He admonished the Muslim community to strictly observe the directives laid down by the government to curb the spread of the novel COVID-19.

Imam Aziz asked people, especially Muslims, who doubted the existence of the virus to desist from that act as the Holy Quran has stated that “when human beings refuse to accept what He (Allah) has said, they will be punished for the wrong they have done against their maker.”

He said the virus was real and the earlier Ghanaians accepted the fact, the better for all.

Imam Aziz asked all Muslims to use the occasion of EID Ad Adha to pray for the peace ahead of the December 7, general elections and urged Ghanaians to register to enable them to exercise their franchise during the general elections.

He also cautioned motor riders in the Municipality to be circumspect during the festive occasion to avoid accidents.

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