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  25 Juin      17        Photos (4436), Société (45172),


Praia, Jun 25 (Inforpress) – The Cooperative for the Promotion of Financial Inclusion (Citi.Coop), headquartered in the City of Praia, expects to reach 2.000 partners and 3.000 clients by 2021 and achieve a turnover of 141 million escudos.
The targets are set out in the Strategic and Business Plan for the period 2019/2021, the general guidelines were approved Friday, 21, during the first General Assembly of this Savings and Credit Cooperative created in 2017 by Citi-Habitat to adapt to the requirements of the new micro-finance law.
According to the president of Citi Habitat, Jacinto Santos, the purpose of the Assembly was to increase the number of members, in order to accelerate this process of transformation. was formed by 26 founding members and currently has more than 900. During the general assembly, said the person in charge, were added 175 new members, and the goal is to reach the 2.000 members by 2021.

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