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GWCL installs flow meter on Kpong-Tema transmission pipeline

  19 Juillet      51        Société (45172),


Tema, July, 19, GNA – Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) has restored water supply to residents of Tema after a 72-hour interruption due to the installation of a Flow Meter on the 42-inch Kpong-Tema Transmission Pipeline at Tema Booster Pumping Station.

Mr Adjei Kwarteng, GWCL Tema Regional Chief Manager, told the Ghana News Agency, that the installation of the flow meter was completed around 0230 hours on Monday, adding production and distribution had since started.

Mr Francis Lamptey, the Regional Distribution Manager, Tema Region, also explained to the GNA, that the major repair works on the main pipeline from Kpong to Tema started last Saturday night, which affected the flow of water.

He said initially the work was scheduled for completion later on Monday but the GWCL engineers and the technical team worked through the night and finished by 0230 hours on Monday.

Mr Lamptey said that pumping had started and said it might take some time for the water to reach the homes of consumers.

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