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More than 50 arrested at Portland demonstration, police say

  8 Septembre      31        Société (45172),


New York, Sept. 8, (tca/dpa/GNA) – More than 50 people were arrested Saturday in Portland on a night in which « multiple fire bombs » were thrown at officers as demonstrations against racial injustice continued, police said.
Officials said a community member was hospitalized after being set ablaze by one of the fire bombs during the demonstration in the Oregon city.
Police declared a riot at the scene and said it was clear the intent of the demonstration, which began at around 9 pm [0400 GMT Monday] at Ventura Park, « was not peaceful protest. »
« Many in the crowd were carrying large shields and dressed in protective gear including helmets, gas masks, body armor, and all black clothing, » Portland Police said in a report on its website.
Saturday marked the 100th day of protests in Portland after an unarmed Black man, George Floyd, died in police custody in Minneapolis on May 25.
Portland Police said rocks, mortar and other items were also thrown at officers Saturday.
« This criminal activity presented an extreme danger to life safety for all community members, and prompted a declaration of a riot, » police said. « The crowd was advised over loudspeaker that it was a riot and they were to leave the area to the east immediately. »
Police said they will release the names of the more than 50 people who were arrested at a later time. Authorities will also announce the charges against those arrested.
One officer suffered an injury to his hand after it was struck by a « commercial grade firework » that burned through his glove, police said.

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